I have always loved listening to others. Since I can remember I have been curious about people's inner worlds—what their dreams are, what shapes their thoughts, what inspires them, what triggers their anger, how they cope with sadness, what brings them joy. Other peoples' perspectives and the insights they can offer me have always been valuable to me. And I have often been a person that my friends turned to when they needed support, a shoulder to cry on, or simply somebody who could just be there for them when they needed a talk or feel happy for them when they shared their adventures. It was only natural to me that I offered space for them and gave them my full attention. In return, I myself felt enriched, a tiny bit wiser, and better prepared for my own life challenges. Luckily, my life path led me to find a profession that helps people learn how to better listen to themselves so that they can make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life. As a professional coac...
Welcome to 'Dialogues Unfolded'! We're all about conversation, from street chats to office banter. Join us to explore real-life encounters that make you think, smile, and engage. Our goal: bring dialogue to life and invite you to join the discussion. Discover stories, tips, and chances to share. While passionate about dialogue, we also introduce you to the DIAL project, promoting dialogue as a vital skill. Let's chat, learn, and grow together. Your voice matters!